Sam Russell
Sam is the owner and Chief Investigator for Russell Investigative Services, LLC. He is a U.S. Navy Veteran and retired police detective and supervisor. During his 29-year police career with the Salisbury and Elon Police Departments, he gained the training and experience necessary to conduct criminal investigations, surveillance, examine crime scenes, conduct interviews and gather the evidence necessary to help you, the client.
As a private investigator, Sam has become one of the most sought after investigators in central North Carolina. His investigations, and the evidence he has uncovered, has been crucial to helping his clients, and their attorneys, get reduced sentences, dismissals and favorable settlements.
In 2019 Governor Roy Cooper appointed Sam to the North Carolina Private Protective Services Board (PPSB) where he served for five years. During his time with the PPSB Sam served on the Screening Committee, Training & Education Committee, Laws and Rules Committee and was Chair of the Finance Committee. Sam also Chaired on a Special Sub-Committee that wrote and submitted new legislation that created the Close Personal Protection License and the Digital Forensics License. When is appointment ended on July 1, 2024 he was also the Chair of a Special Sub-Committee on Continuing Education for PPSB License Holders.
Sam goes into every investigation with an open mind as if the case has never been investigated. He closely examines the police investigative files and then determines how he can best help his client.
Remember, the state had investigators that gathered the evidence to charge you. Shouldn't you have an investigator to make sure they really have a case?
Greg Beam
Greg is a 29-year veteran of the Salisbury, North Carolina Police Department and a graduate of North Carolina State University. He has Bachelor's Degree in Political Science with a concentration in Criminal Justice. While with the Salisbury Police Department he served as patrol officer, traffic safety officer, training sergeant, detective sergeant, patrol commander and criminal investigation commander. Greg also has advanced training in traffic accident investigation and reconstruction.
Greg is also a strong believer that everyone deserves to be treated fairly and that you are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Like Sam, Greg looks at every case with fresh eyes and a open mind.

investigative services

For attorneys, our investigations have resulted in reduced sentences and
dismissals for attorneys and their clients. Our services are often provided at no cost to your firm or client through NC Indigent Defense Services.
For individuals, the Government has investigators, therefore we recommend you do, too.

When counseling and other
services don’t work for your relationship, our experienced investigators can assist you in
gathering the evidence necessary to help you obtain the best possible outcome for your